A general guideline to prepare a scope of work (SOW) for a stability analysis/ confirmation study for an open pit

open pit


Subject:  Scope of Work for Stability Confirmation Study for XXXXX Open Pit Mine of M/s XXXXXX

**Project Location**: XXXXX

**Project Owner**: XXXXX

1. Introduction

– **Project Background**:

Brief description of the open pit project, including location, size, and current status of operation.
Pit geometry: i.e. current bench height, width, angle, overall angle etc

– **Objective**: Clearly state the primary goal of the stability confirmation study. i.e. whether want to change the existing design, whether want to increase ultimate pit depth, whether want to change overall pit slope angle, whether want confirm the stability of existing pit and dump etc

2. Geology: Brief description of lithology and structures – whatever available in the GR, or in old/ existing reports


  1. Site Visit:
  2. Site visit with site’s competent person to gather critical field informations and observation
  3. Gathering insights and historical data.
  4. Discussion of any known stability issues or past incidents.
  5. Collect and review all available geological, geotechnical, and hydrogeological reports and maps.
  6. Review previous stability analysis and any recorded data on pit wall failures or issues.

2.  Site Investigation-

– **Geotechnical Survey**: if you have the data already with you, then you can delete this part

  – Detailed geological mapping.

  – Drilling and sampling of rock and soil.

  – In-situ testing etc

– **Hydrogeological Survey**: if you have the data already with you, then you can delete this part

  – Groundwater level monitoring.

  – Permeability tests.

  – Ground water regime analysis

  – seepage analysis

– **Geophysical Survey** (if applicable): if you have the data already with you, then you can delete this part

  – Seismic refraction.

  – Electrical resistivity.

3. Data Collection

– **Historical Data Review**:

  – Previous geotechnical and hydrogeological reports.

  – Past stability analysis results.

– **Current Data Collection**:

  – Topographical surveys.

  – Current pit wall conditions and geometry

4. Laboratory Testing

– Laboratory testing of rock/ soil/ dump mass samples to determine the geo mechanical properties of rock, i.e. Cohesion, angle of internal friction, specific gravity, UCS and/ or any parameter which is required to give input to a specific failure criteria considered for the analysis

#### 5. Stability Analysis

– **Slope Stability Modeling**:

   – Selection of appropriate slope stability software and 2D analysus every desired sections and also  3D stability analysis where ever required.

  – Factor of safety calculations.

– **Seismic Stability Analysis** (if applicable):

  – Assessment under earthquake loading conditions.

** Recommendations on geometrical parameters:

  • Proposal on change in current geometry
  • Bench height, width
  • Bench angle, inter-ramp, and overall slope angle

6. Risk Assessment

– **Hazard Identification**:

  – Potential failure modes.

  – Impact of adverse weather conditions.

– **Risk Evaluation**:

  – Probability of failure.

  – Consequences of failure.

7. Mitigation Measures

– Suggestions and Design of Stabilization Methods including Slope reinforcement (e.g., rock bolts, shotcrete), Drainage control measures, Groundwater management.

8. Reporting

– **Draft Report**:

  – Preliminary findings and recommendations.

  – Review and feedback from stakeholders.

– **Final Report**:

  – Comprehensive documentation of methods, data, analysis, and conclusions.

  – Recommendations for ongoing monitoring and maintenance.

9. Instrumentation and Monitoring Plan

– **Monitoring**:

  -Suggestion on suitable monitoring instruments (e.g., inclinometers, piezometers, prism-pillar, Slope stability radar etc).

  – Regular inspection schedule.

– Data analysus procedures

– Threshold limits for trigger action response plan

– **Maintenance Protocols**:

  – Procedures for addressing identified issues.

  – Long-term stability management plan.

10. Compliance and Standards

– **Regulatory Requirements**:

  – Suggestions on Adhering to local and national regulations.

  – **Industry Standards**:

  – Suggestions on Conformance to national  and international best practices.

11. Project Timeline:

  – site visit : xx/xx/xxxx

-Lab test- xx/xx/xxxx

– Numerical simulation- xx/xx/xxxx

– calibration of model- xx/xx/xxxx

– draft report- xx/xx/xxxx

– Discussion on draft report- xx/xx/xxxx

– Final report submission: xx/xx/xxxx

By and Between:

Consultant’s scope:

  • Data collection, gathering, gap analysis, modelling, resources required for the study and report preparation all shall be their scope

Parent company’s scope:

  • Facilitating for site visit, providing existing data in desired format and local travel &accommodation arrangement shall be in parent company’s scope.

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