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The Mines Act 1952

1 / 130

1. Which are the Mines in India where the Mines Act 1952 are applicable?

2 / 130

2. When was the Mines Act formulated?

3 / 130

3. Which Act was applicable to the mines in India before the Mines Act 1952?

4 / 130

4. How many sections are there in Mines Act 1952? (sec 01)

5 / 130

5. Mines Act 1952 is applicable to? (sec 01)

6 / 130

6. Under the Mines Act
What is the definition of adult?
What will be the age of a adult person? (Section - 2)

7 / 130

7. What does the Agent do? (Section - 2).

8 / 130

8. According to the Mines Act what is the definition of a "day"?

9 / 130

9. What is the meaning of Office in a Mine? {Section - 2}

10 / 130

10. Reportable Accident Means? What is the meaning of reportable accident?
{Section - 2}

11 / 130

11. Meaning of a week?{Section - 2}

12 / 130

12. If any injury which involves; or in probability will involve the permanent loss of any part or section of a body or the use of any part or section of a body, or the permanent loss of or injury to the sight or hearing or any permanent physical incapacity or the fracture of any bone, then which type of injury is this?{Section- 2}

13 / 130

13. Where the Mines Act won't apply? {Section - 3}

14 / 130

14. Referring to the time of day (When does the time of day start? (Section - 4)

15 / 130

15. Chief Inspector appointed by? {Section - 5}

16 / 130

16. By whom inspector of mines is appointed?

17 / 130

17. Chief Inspector or Inspector Discharge his powers under which law (Section 7)

18 / 130

18. Before going to a mine, notice is given to mine manager how many day's before entering into the mine? (Section - 8 )

19 / 130

19. Committee in Mines are formed under which section?

20 / 130

20. What will be the total  number of members in a Committee?

21 / 130

21. The Chairman of the Commeittee is appointed by whom? (Section 12)

22 / 130

22. Constitution of the Committee under the Mines Act 1952 is formed by? {Section - 12}

23 / 130

23. Who shall bear the expenses of the Committee set up by the Central Government?
{Section - 15}

24 / 130

24. Notice of mining operation by Manager/Owner/Agent to be given to whom?
(Section 16)

25 / 130

25. Before starting Mining Operation, Manager/Owner/Agent - shall give notice ti CI _______ days before commencement of operation (Section 16)

26 / 130

26. Whether the Owner, Agent who has the qualification of Manager, can appoint himself as manager? {Section - 17}

27 / 130

27. What shall be the distance between the drinking water arrangement and toilet/latrine/urinal?

28 / 130

28. Fore how many persons, the drinking water shall be effectively cooled by mechanical or other means?

29 / 130

29. The scale of latrine accommodation shall be at least one seat for every ____persons(Section 20.)

30 / 130

30. First Aid rooms shall be provided at every mine employing more than _____ persons on any one day. (Section 21)

31 / 130

31. First Aid stations shall be provided at every mine employing more than ____ persons on any one day {Section - 21}

32 / 130

32. Power to Prohibit Employment in Certain Cases Come Under
Which Section of the Mines Act 1952?

33 / 130

33. If there is an accident in mines, For how many days the notice of the accident shall be kept on the notice board?
(Section - 23)

34 / 130

34. If any incident (Reportable) or near-miss occured in a mine, then within how many days will the record be sent to the Chief Inspector?
(Section - 23)

35 / 130

35. Where a notice given under sub-section(1) relates to an accident causing loss of life, the authority shall make an inquiry into the occurrence within how many days? (Section - 23))

36 / 130

36. A copy of the entries in the register referring to an incident shall be sent to the CI by the owner, agent or manager of the mine, in which date? (Section - 23)

37 / 130

37. Where the Chief Inspector or any Inspector fails to inspect the place of accident, within ________ hours of the time of the accident, work may be resumed at the place of the accident. (Section - 23)

38 / 130

38. In Which Of The Following Cases, Place Of Accident Not to Be
Disturbed ?(Section - 23)

39 / 130

39. The power of the Government to appoint a court of enquiry in cases of accidents is mentioned in which section of the Act?

40 / 130

40. Court of enquiry is constituted by? {Section - 24}

41 / 130

41. Whome to submit the report after an investigation by the Court Of Inquiry ? {Section - 24}

42 / 130

42. Who are responsible for producing all documents as required by the Court of Inquiry? {Section - 24}

43 / 130

43. Where any person employed in a mine contacts any disease notified by the Central Government in the official Gazette as a disease connected with mining operations the O/A/M of the mine, as the case may be, shall send notice thereof to the Chief Inspector within how many days (Section - 25)

44 / 130

44. Weekly Day Of Rest Means (Weekly Rest) ? (Section 28.)

45 / 130

45. If any person deprived of any of the weekly days of rest, he shall be allowed to take it within how many days? {Section - 29}

46 / 130

46. As per Mines Act, no persons shall be allowed to work for more than how many hours in a day? {Sec- 30}

47 / 130

47. As per Mines Act, no person shall be allowed to work for more than how many hours in a week ? (Section- 30 )

48 / 130

48. In Emergency Conditions, maximum how many hours a person can work? {Section - 30}

49 / 130

49. Any person shall not work for more than _____ hours continuously before he has had an interval for rest of at least ____ hour: {Section - 30}

50 / 130

50. After how many continuous hours of work any person should take rest of 30 minutes? {Section - 30}

51 / 130

51. No person employed below ground in a mine shall be allowed to work for more than ____ hours in a day.  {Section - 31}0}

52 / 130

52. As per the Mines Act - 1952, in Under Ground, how many more hours can be worked in a week in Mines?
{Section - 31}

53 / 130

53. A weekly day of rest shall mean in his case a period of ____ consecutive hours beginning when his shift ends {Section - 32}

54 / 130

54. After how many hours of work on the surface, overtime shall be given? {Section -33}

55 / 130

55. No person shall be required or allowed to work in a mine if he has already been working in any other mine within the preceding ____ hours. {Section - 34}

56 / 130

56. Maximum number of hours a person can work including overtime (Section 35)

57 / 130

57. How is overtime calculated?

58 / 130

58. How many days before the commencement of work, the notice of 'hours of work' shall be posted on notice board? {Section - 36}

59 / 130

59. What is the minimum age of Apprentice/Trainee in Mines? (Section 40 )

60 / 130

60. After the amendment of the Act in 1983, what shall be the minimum age of persons who shall be allowed to work in any mine or part thereof?(Section - 40}

61 / 130

61. Prohibition of the presence of persons below eighteen years of age in a mine is mentioned in which section of the Act?

62 / 130

62. What is the time of employment for deploying a woman in a mine (Section 46.)

63 / 130

63. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, no employment of any woman  is permitted in between?

64 / 130

64. Every woman employed in a mine above ground shall be allowed an interval of not less than e_________ between the termination of employment on any one day and the commencement of the next period of employmen { Section - 46}

65 / 130

65. Attendance Record of Persons Employed in Mines shall be recorded in which form ? {Section - 48

66 / 130

66. In which section definition of leave is there?{Section - 50}

67 / 130

67. According to Mines Act 1952 what is  "Calenender Year"? {Section- 51}

68 / 130

68. In the case of a person employed below ground, at the rate of one day for every _____ days of work performed by him, leave shall be credited {Section - 52}

69 / 130

69. In the case of a person employed on the surface, at the rate of one day for every _______ days of work performed by him, leave shall be credited {Section - 52}

70 / 130

70. A calendar year’s service shall be deemed to have completed, if he/she works {Section - 52}

71 / 130

71. How many days of Maternity Leave does a female employee get?{Section - 52}

72 / 130

72. A person employed in a mine shall inform the manager, how many days before taking a leave?{Section - 52}

73 / 130

73. How many times in a Calendar Year, a person employed in Mines can take leave? {Section - 52}

74 / 130

74. The total number of days of leave which may be accumulated by any such person shall not at any one time exceed ?{Section -

75 / 130

75. For the leave allowed to a person employed in a mine under section 52, he shall be paid at a rate equal to the _______ of his total full-time earnings for the days on which he was employed during the month immediately preceeding his leave
{Section - 53}

76 / 130

76. Any person employed in a mine who has been allowed leave for not less than ______days shall before his leave begins be paid the wages due for the period of the leave allowed. {Section - 54}

77 / 130

77. Under which section of the Mines Act, Regulations are made? (Section- 57)

78 / 130

78. If the surface has "Railway Line, Building, Structure", how many meters of pillar shall be left at that place?

79 / 130

79. In which year was the Indian Explosive Act made?

80 / 130

80. When was the Railway Act made?

81 / 130

81. Mines Rule 1955, under which section of the Mines Act, it has been made? (Section - 58)

82 / 130

82. The mines wherein any women employed or were employed on any day of the preceding twelve months of suitable rooms to be reserved for the use of children under the age of _____years (Section - 58)

83 / 130

83. A shelter shall be made if how many people are employed in Mines? {Section - 58}

84 / 130

84. Canteen shall be made, if how many persons employed in a mine? {Section - 58}

85 / 130

85. Welfare officer shall be employed, if how many persons are employed in a mine? {Section - 58}

86 / 130

86. If 1000 people are working in a mine, then in that mine, how many canteens will be made? {Section - 58}

87 / 130

87. Under which section of the Mines Act, By - Law has been made?

88 / 130

88. By - Laws are made by whom? (Section - 61)

89 / 130

89. What are the information generally By-Laws provide? (Section- 61)

90 / 130

90. After approving the 'By-laws' by the mine manager, to whom it has to be sent? (Section - 61)

91 / 130

91. Within how many days, the by-laws has to be sent to CI by O/A/M? (Section - 61)

92 / 130

92. Mine Act, Regulation, Rules are made by whom? (Section - 61A)

93 / 130

93. If any person obstructs to discharge the duties by Chief Inspector or Inspector what shall be the punishment? (Section - 63)

94 / 130

94. If any person refuses to provide Register or Document to the Chief what shall be the punishment (Section - 63(2)

95 / 130

95. What is the punishment mentioned in the Act for falsification of records or certificates? (Section - 64)

96 / 130

96. What is the punishment for using false certificate of fitness?  (Section - 65)

97 / 130

97. Punishment for omission to furnish plans without any reason? (Section - 66)

98 / 130

98. Punishment for prohibiting/ retricting or regulating the employment or presence of persons in or about a mine(Section- 67}

99 / 130

99. What shall be the penalty for employment of person below 18 years of age? (Section - 68)

100 / 130

100. What shall be the punishment in contravention of the provisions of section 17, if fails to appoint a manager(Section - 69)

101 / 130

101. Whoever in contravention of the provision of sub-section (1) of section 23 fails to give notice of any accidental occurrence or to post a copy of the notice on the special notice board referred to in that sub-section and to keep in there for the period specified shall be punishable with__________? (Section - 70)

102 / 130

102. If O/A/M fails to record in the prescribed register to give notice of any accidental occurrence shall be punishable  with  ______?(Section - 70)

103 / 130

103. Where the owner, agent or manager of a mine, as the case may be, has taken proceeding under this Act against any person employed in or about a mine in respect of an offence under this Act, he shall within _________ days from the date of the judgement or order of the court report the result thereof to the Chief Inspector (Sec - 71)

104 / 130

104. Which punishment shall be imposed for violating section 22 or 22 A? (Sec. - 72B)

105 / 130

105. Punishment for willfully neglect the arrangement of the provisions for the purpose of securing the health or safety of the persons employed therein(Section 72(c)

106 / 130

106. Special provision for contravention of law with dangerous results- if in such contravention results in loss of life, then what shall be the punishment?(Section 72(c)

107 / 130

107. Special provision for contravention of law with dangerous results- If such contravention results in serious bodily injury, then what shall be the punishment? (Section - 72C)

108 / 130

108. Special provision for contravention of law with dangerous results- If such contravention results in small injury, then what shall be the punishment? (Section - 72C)

109 / 130

109. Where a person having been convicted under section 73 is again convicted thereunder, shall be punishable with_____?

110 / 130

110. Where the owner, agent or manager of a mine, accused of an offence under this Act, alleges that another person is the actual offender, he shall be entitled, upon complaint made by him in this behalf and on his furnishing the known address of the actual offender and on giving to the prosecutor not less than __________days notice in writing of his intention to do so, to have that other persons brought before the court
(Section - 77)

111 / 130

111. When O/A/M fails to comply with the order of the court made under section 78, what shall be the punishment? (Section - 78)

112 / 130

112. Act, Regulation or Rules are made by whom?

113 / 130

113. Who can make changes in the Act, Rules, Regulations?

114 / 130

114. Under section 57, provisions for which regulations have been made?

115 / 130

115. Provisions for which regulations have been made in section 58

116 / 130

116. Whose responsibility is to comply with the rules and regulations under mines act?

117 / 130

117. Reportable Injury means?

118 / 130

118. What does an Agent do?

119 / 130

119. What kind of medical examination is done before joining the mine? (Page -96)

120 / 130

120. Interval of PME? (Page - 96)

121 / 130

121. PME for the persons o above 45 years' of age? (P- 96)

122 / 130

122. PME for a person having age of 67 years? (P- 96

123 / 130

123. HEMM Operator's vision test is required in every _________ years?

124 / 130

124. Within how many years, PME should done for the persons employed in asbestos mines?

125 / 130

125. What type of equipment are mandatory in the PME Center?

126 / 130

126. What are the notified diseases?

127 / 130

127. If the worker working in Mines has any of the Notified Diseases, then within how many days,the O/A/M shall report it to proper authority?

128 / 130

128. The O/A/M shall report to whom, regarding the detection of notified diseases in his mine?

129 / 130

129. On how many people working in Surface Or Open Cast Mine?
cold water shall be arranged?

130 / 130

130. Provision of shelter over how many people ordinarily employed in Mines?

Your score is

The average score is 52%



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The Mines Rules 1955

The Mines Rules 1955

1 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

1. The registers of reportable injury and minor accidents shall be maintained in which form?

2 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

2. What shall be the minimum basic pay of a welfare officer?

3 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

3. If a welfare officer is unable to perform his duties, the O/A/M can appoint another person whom he considers competent, but maximum how many days that person can act as welfare officer?

4 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

4. After the appointment of a Welfare officer by O/A/M, within how many days the notice shall be sent to Chief inspector?

5 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

5. No person shall act as welfare officer of a mine unless he possesses -

6 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

6. For how many persons ordinarily employed in a mine, one additional welfare officer shall be deputed, and at what scale?

7 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

7. For how many persons ordinarily employed in a mine, provision for welfare officer is there?

8 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

8. The terms of office of the elected members for canteen managing committee shall be ?

9 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

9. How many members can be there in a canteen managing committee?

10 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

10. What shall be the scale of members in a canteen managing committee?

11 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

11. Who can nominate the members of canteen managing committee?

12 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

12. At what frequency, the canteen managing committee shall consult the matters related to the canteen?

13 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

13. The inside walls of kitchen of canteen shall be painted at what frequency?

14 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

14. The wood work or iron structures shall be painted at what frequency?

15 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

15. At what frequency, the inside wall of a canteen shall be white washed?

16 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

16. The canteen shall be situated ______m away from any latrine, urinal, boiler house etc.

17 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

17. Provisions of the canteen for how many persons are ordinarily employed in a mine?

18 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

18. What shall be the height of the roof in a shelter of a mine if the roof is a sloping one?

19 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

19. If the roof of a shelter in a mine is of flat roof, the what should be its height?

20 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

20. Evry shelter in a mine shall have a floor area of ?

21 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

21. provision of shelter for how many persons ordinarily employed in a mine?

22 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

22. On which day of the year, the O/A/M of a mine shall exhibit on the notice board at the office, information regarding leave with wages?

23 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

23. For how many days the register of leave with wages shall be preserved?

24 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

24. Register of Leave with wages shall be maintained in which form?

25 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

25. Can an apprentice or trainee below 18 years of age be employed in a mine ?

26 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

26. As per the mines rules 1955, termination of employment shall be maintained in which form?

27 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

27. As per The Mines Rules 1955, the register of compensatory days of rest shall be maintained in which form?

28 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

28. Which of the following shall not be deemed to be a person holding a position of supervision or management or employed in a confidential capacity-

29 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

29. In every open cast working, one first aid station for how many persons shall be provided?

30 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

30. At every mine employing more than _____ persons on any one day, there shall be provided a suitable first aid room.

31 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

31. On or before the ______ day of every month, there shall be displayed on a notice board outside the office of the mine a list of all persons who have not been allowed compensatory days of rest during that month, and the dates on which compensatory days of rest will be allowed to them in the following _______months.

32 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

32. As per the Mines Rules 1955, the weekly day of rest shall be maintained in which form?

33 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

33. In which case the weekly day of rest shall be posted on conspecuous places?

34 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

34. For the purpose of sections 28 and 29, a day of rest for any person shall mean period of rest of at least ______ consecutive hours.

35 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

35. The first aid room shall be in charge of a qualified medical practitioner, where the number of persons ordinarily employed in a mine is more than?

36 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

36. What are the equipment shall be provided in a first aid room?

37 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

37. How much floor space should be available in a first aid room?

38 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

38. For how many persons ordinarily employed in a mine, first aid room shall be provided?

39 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

39. Availability of First Aid personnel shall be-

40 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

40. Receptacles and night soils shall be cleaned and disinfected at least once in every?

41 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

41. What shall be the scale of latrines inside underground?

42 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

42. The interior walls and ceiling of latrines shall be white washed once at least ?

43 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

43. Upto what height, the walls of latrines hall be cement punned?

44 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

44. What shall be the scale of latrines and urinals?

45 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

45. For how many persons are employed in a mine, drinking water shall be effectively cooled?

46 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

46. The quantity of drinking water to be provided in a mine or a mine or any part thereof shall be on a scale of at least ______ ltrs for every person employed at any one time.

47 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

47. Within how many days, O/A/M shall implement the recommendations of Safety Committee?

48 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

48. At what interval safety committee members shall meet?

49 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

49. Which of the following shall be the function of the safety committee?

50 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

50. Total how many persons will be there in the safety committee?

51 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

51. Safety committee shall be constituted by O/A/M, if how many persons are ordinarily employed in that mine?

52 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

52. The safety committee un der Mines Rules 1955, shall be constituted by whom?

53 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

53. Within how many days, O/A/M shall take action on the report of Workmen's inspector?

54 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

54. In which form, Workmen's inspector shall record his inspection report and observation?

55 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

55. Which of the following shall not be the duty of a Workmen's inspector?

56 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

56. A workmen's inspector nominated under rule 29 Q shall hold office for a period of __________ years from the date of his nomination.

57 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

57. Who shall afford all the reasonable facilities to Wormen's inspector making entries, inspection, measurement, examination etc?

58 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

58. In a week, how many days the workmen's inspector shall perform his duties as a Workmen's inspector?

59 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

59. How many lectures of training is required for a Workmen's inspector?

60 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

60. How many years of experience are needed in that particular mine where a person shall be designated as a Workmen's inspector?

61 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

61. How many years of experience in mines is required to be a workmen's inspector?

62 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

62. No person shall act as a workmen's inspector of a mine unless- he possess an _____________ certificate

63 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

63. For which of the following, workmen's inspector shall not be designated??

64 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

64. If in a mine the total no of ordinarily employed persons are 2500 then how many workmen's inspector shall be designated in that mine?

65 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

65. If in a mine the no of ordinarily employed persons are 1400, then how many workmen's inspector shall be designated?

66 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

66. Consultation shall be done with whom, before designating Workmen's inspector by O/A/M?

67 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

67. For how many persons are ordinarily employed in a mine, Workmen's inspector shall be designated in that mine?

68 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

68. Details of Workmen's inspector is mentioned in which rule of Mines Rules 1955?

69 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

69. If a mine is abandoned or discontinued for a period of more than sixty days or if ownership has been changed, then when the annual return of medical examination/ re-examination shall be submitted?

70 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

70. Annual return of medical examination/re-examination and other details shall be filled in which form and when is it to be sent to the Chief Inspector?

71 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

71. Cost of medical examination shall be borne by?

72 / 118

Category: The Mines Rule 1955

72. When Workmen's Compensation Act was formed?