The first requirement in geotechnical area is the testing of rock and soil sample. Although soil can be considered in homogeneous category but rock behavior is completely different from other materials used to build structures. Behaviour of rockis DIANE- Discontinuous, Inhomogeneous, anisotropic, Non-linerly, Elastic. The testing of soil or rock before taking any decision on construction is the first step and important step. The testing is primarily done to know the exact values of many geo-mechanical parameters. The characteristics may vary from layer to layer of the same soil or rock. Laboratory testing of rock and soil is the integral part of rock mechanics research and practice. A properly executed laboratory testing facility and program will provide geotechnical properties needed to perform geotechnical analyses and develop models. The samples needed for the tests which need to be carefully obtained in the field and properly stored to get efficient and accurate results. However, specimens which are disturbed upto a certain limit can also be used in some tests to calculate geo-mechanical parameters that are not affected by natural water content, Atterberg limits, etc. The maximum procedures are based on specific standards which are being followed worldwide. well maintained equipments and instruments, sensors, consistent laboratory routines, proper interpretation and sensitivity analysis of test results are very much essential to estimate the rock/soil characteristics of to accurately predict their behavior and to develop a efficient model.
The Geotechnical Laboratory should be well-equipped with testing equipments for evaluating all geo-mechanical properties of soils and rocks, which should include both physical and mechanical property determination apparatus including index properties, compaction characteristics, hydraulic characteristics, compressibility, rate of consolidation and sheer strength. In the market both conventional and sophisticated instruments are available. We should give preference to sophisticated instruments as numerical simulation software will give accurate result only if input parameters are perfect for modelling.
List of Equipment to be kept in the laboratory:
- Common apparatus for geotechnical engineer:
Eqp 1: Moisture Content Testing Apparatus
For the determination of soil/rock moisture content using tools i.e. Cans, Oven, and Balance.
Eqp 2: Specific Gravity Determination Apparatus
For the determination of specific gravity of soil/rock and gravel specimens using apparatus: Volumetric Flask, Balance and Oven.
Eqp 3: Standard Sieve sets
Eqp 4: Hydrometer Analysis (Hydrometer, Mixer)
To determine the percentage of clay particle in fine grained soils
Eqp 5: Liquid Limit and plastic limit Test Apparatus
This Liquid Limit/ plastic limit Test apparatus will measure the liquid limit of soil. Casagrande Liquid Limit Device, and Tools; glass plates, cans, spatula and oven
Eqp 6: Modified Proctor’s Compaction Test Equipment
To determine optimum moisture content
Eqp 7: Unconfined Compression Test Machine
This equipment will be used to determine the unconfined compression strength of soil and its shear strength. UTM machine.
Eqp 8: Direct Shear Testing Machine
To determine shear strength and angle of internal friction for sand, soil and rock specimen.
Eqp 9: Core cutting machine
Eqp 10: Point load testing machine
- For Research Purpose:
Eqp 1: Triaxial Shear Test Machine
For research and conventional testing to determine shear strength parameters. It has the capability to carry out test on a compacted or on an undisturbed samples to conduct tests under different conditions of consolidation (consolidated and unconsolidated soil tests) and different conditions of drainage (drained or undrained conditions). Measurement of shear strength and the stress-strain behavior and failure can be determined.
Eqp 2: Consolidation Test Machine
It can be used for research and conventional testing to determine parameters relating to settlement properties and behavior. It can be used to estimate both the magnitude and the time rate of settlement.
- Space and almirahs
- One small office room to install computer systems and to connect it with different apparatus
- Separate almirahs for documentation
- Separate space to store oriented geotechnical core
- Mobile table for plotting purpose
- Water spraying and supply arrangement to all rock cutting machines and apparatus.
For the planning of a mine excavation area, an important basis for excavation pit, land reclamation, beach nourishment etc. is the knowledge of the ground conditions, insitu stress, rock characteristics etc. The geotechnical investigation is the ultimate tool with its respective services which are carried out to determine rock behavior. The nature and extent always depends on the type of the geological structure, the difficulty to determination of the structure attribute and the expected ground conditions.
The main factors are-
- Data Collection from field
- Sutable and efficient geotechnical Investigation Programme
- Field Investigation and Sampling data
- Proper Laboratory Testing
- And the preparation of Geotechnical Investigation Report
- Topography maps
- Geology maps and evaluation of regional geology conditions such as earthquake, faults, formation of soils
- Climate and weather data
- List of technical standards to be applied (geotechnical site investigation, drilling methods in soil / rock, sampling of soil / rock / groundwater, field testing, geotechnical laboratory testing of soil / rock / groundwater characteristics)
- Number, mapping / location, depth of boreholes
- Soil and rock drilling & sampling methods (Soil Investigations)
- Number of standard penetration tests (SPT)
- Number of field vane shear tests
- Number of disturbed and undisturbed soil samples
- Number of undisturbed rock samples
- Ground water sampling
- Geotechnical laboratory testing programme
- Work planning on manpower and equipment with respect to the Programme
- Mobilization and De-mobilization of geotechnical drilling team, supervision personnel and equipment
- Survey and Set-out of borehole coordinates
- Proper Handling, Warehousing and Transport of Samples to the Geotechnical Laboratory
Drilling WorksDrilling works will be carried out by using drilling rigs having the capacity to drill in the sizes and to the termination requirements or depths instructed. We can provide rotary drilling methods into soil and rock strata applying different types of flushing media (depending on the existing / encountered soil conditions). In the particular case of encountering rock layers the appropriate boring / coring method should base on single tube core barrel or double tube core barrel being capable of recovering rock cores.
Soil Sampling & Soil InvestigationsThe undisturbed samples will be taken at certain intervals to the borehole depth termination and at the change of strata in borehole under application of various sampling methods and respective technical standards. Disturbed samples can be derived from selected recovered cores of standard penetration tests (SPT). For detailed guidance on the suitability of various soil sampling techniques in different types of soil, our geotechnical expert will provide professional advice. Sampling, handling, labeling and transport of samples will be executed in strict adherence with international standards and guidelines.Undisturbed sampling using the open-tube sample as thin-walled or thick-walled tube samplers can be applied depending on the encountered soil conditions whereas the thick-walled tube sampler is applied for stiff and dense soils and for soils containing coarse particles. For soil types that are difficult to sample, sample-retaining or closure devices are necessary.Undisturbed sampling using the piston sampler can be applied in low-strength fine soils such as silt and clay, including sensitive clays. It can be used either in boreholes or be pushed directly into the soil.
Rotary Core Drilling and Rock SamplingIn sampling by rotary core drilling, a tube system fitted with a bit at its lower end is rotated and fed into the rock mass by the drill rig via the drill string. This action produces a core sample within the tube system. A flushing medium is normally used. The sampling tool, i.e. the core barrel, can be a single tube, double tube or triple tube with a borehole diameter of 70 mm to 200 mm. The rock coring should be executed minimum 5m into the rock. For detailed guidance on the suitability of various core drilling and sampling techniques in different types of soil and rock, our geotechnical expert will provide professional advice.Samples can be obtained by this method as cores/cuttings. The single-tube core barrel only allows core recovery in consolidated formations, whereas double-tube and triple-tube core barrels can be used in all rock formations. The quality of the rock recovery achieved is determined by applying the following parameters as rock quality designation (RQD), total core recovery (TCR) and solid core recovery (SCR) ratios that have to be recorded and reported for each core run.
Standard Penetration Test (SPT)Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) shall be performed in boreholes in order to estimate consistency, relative density, and strength-deformation parameters of soils. In addition to this soil samples
obtained from SPT testing are used for classification purposes. SPT testing can also be carried out in weak weathered rock. The SPT testing shall be performed at certain numbers and respective intervals (it is common to apply an interval of 1.5m/test) to the borehole depth termination for all boreholes. The number of blows required to 15cm of penetration or fraction thereof is to be recorded. The first 15cm is to be considered as a seating drive. The number of blows required for the second and the third 15cm penetration is termed as “standard penetration resistance” or the raw “N value”.
Field Vane Shear Test (VST)Vane Shear Test (VST) is an in-place shear test in which a rod with thin radial vanes at the end is forced into the soil and the resistance to rotation of the rod is determined. VST addresses testing on land and for testing in drill holes or by self drilling or continuous push methods from the ground surface. VST provides an indication of in-situ undrained shear strength of fine- grained clays and silts or other fine geomaterials such as mine tailings, organic muck, and substances where undrained strength determination is required. Knowledge of the nature of the soil in which each vane test is to be made is necessary for assessment of the applicability and interpretation of the test. The test is not applicable for sandy soils which may allow drainage during the test. The test is routinely performed in conjunction with other field and laboratory tests. Cone Penetration Test (CPT)Cone penetration test (CPT) can be performed to evaluate effectively the site characterization. It is a valuable method of assessing the subsurface stratigraphy associated with soft materials, discontinuous lenses, organic soil, potentially liquefiable materials (silt, sands and granule gravel), generally excluding bedrock, very dense granular fill and strata containing cobbles and boulders. CPT is performed using a cylindrical penetrometer with a conical tip (cone) penetrating the ground at a constant rate. During the penetration, the forces on the cone and the friction sleeve are measured. CPT and the measured data can be used to evaluate soil conditions and parameters as follows:
- Determination of soil strata variations and characterization of soil types
- Evaluation of ground engineering properties (undrained shear strength, relative density, equivalent standard penetrations test values) may be derived from the measured data as mentioned above
- Piezo-cones (CPTu) can be used to measure the pore water pressure and to assess hydrostatic head, consolidation and permeability characteristics
- Data may be used to analysis the pile load-bearing capacity, foundation bearing capacity, foundation settlement, and liquefaction potential.
- Cone penetration test (CPT) provides a continuous (although indirect) record of ground conditions, avoiding the ground disturbance associated with boring and sampling.
- Remark: Interpretation of CPT results can be enhanced by the use of site specific correlations. Such correlations are obtained by performing laboratory tests on soil samples obtained from the location of the CPT tests.
Index property tests (determining of soil classification)
- Moisture content – determination of the moisture content of a soil as a percentage of its oven-dried weight.
- Unit weight – determining the total/moist and dry densities – unit weights – of soil specimens.
- Specific gravity – determination of the specific gravity of soil solids passing the 4.75-mm sieve (No. 4) by means of a water pycnometer.
- Attenberg limits – determination of the liquid limit, plastic limit, and the plasticity index of soils.
- Particle size distribution – quantitative determination of the distribution of particle sizes in soils, distribution of particle sizes larger than 75 μm – retained on the No. 200 sieve – is determined by sieving, while the distribution of particle sizes smaller than 75 μm is determined by a sedimentation process, using a hydrometer.
Engineering properties tests (determining of strength and deformation parameters)
- Unconfined compression strength – determination of the unconfined compressive strength of cohesive soil of the axial load.
- Consolidation test (one-dimensional consolidation properties) – determining the magnitude and rate of consolidation of soil when it is restrained laterally and drained axially while subjected to incrementally applied controlled-stress loading. Data from the consolidation test are used to estimate the magnitude and rate of both differential and total settlement of a structure or earthfill. Estimates of this type are of key importance in the design of engineered structures and the evaluation of their performance.
- Consolidated undrained triaxial compression test – determination of strength and stress-strain relationships of cohesive soil when the specimens are isotropically consolidated and sheared in compression without drainage at a constant rate of axial deformation. Data from the undrained triaxial compression test are used in geotechnical engineering analysis to predict how the material will behave in a larger-scale geotechnical engineering applications. An example would be to predict the stability of the soil on a slope, whether the slope will collapse or whether the soil will support the shear stresses of the slope and remain in place. Undrained triaxial compression tests are used along with other tests to make such engineering predictions.
Rock Strength Properties Tests
- Point load test – determining the point load strength index of rock. This is an index test and is intended to be used to classify rock strength.
- Uniaxial compression strength test – determining unconfined compressive strength of intact rock core specimens. It is a test method for compressive strength and elastic moduli of intact rock core specimens under varying states of stress and temperatures. Unconfined compressive strength of rock is used in many design formulas and is sometimes used as an index property to select the appropriate excavation technique.
Chemical Analysis of Groundwater
- pH value, sulphate content and chloride content tests – determining the aggressiveness of groundwater to concrete and steel structures.
The detailed Report will be provided and prepared tailor-made for each project according to the respective project scope of service. The following table of content is a standard table of content that will be adjusted according to the project scope of service:Executive Summary
- Project description
- Description of the works performed with respect to the geotechnical investigation programme
- Technical standards
- Site conditions
Geotechnical Field Investigation
- Drilling of boreholes
- Soil sampling
- Rock coring and rock sampling
- Standard penetration tests
- Field vane shear tests
- Cone penetration tests
- Final quantity report on field investigation works
Geotechnical Laboratory Testing
- Index properties tests (moisture content tests, unit weight tests, specific gravity tests, atterberg limits tests, particle size distribution tests)
- Engineering properties tests (unconfined compression strength tests, consolidation / oedometer tests, consolidated undrained triaxial compression tests)
- Rock strength properties tests (point load tests, uniaxial compression strength tests)
- Chemical analysis of ground water
- Final quantity report on laboratory tests
Evaluation of Soil Conditions and Soil Parameters
- Soil profile
- Deformation properties of soft clay layers (pre-consolidation pressure and over consolidated ratio, compression, coefficient of primary consolidation index, cecondary consolidation)
- Strength parameters (undrained shear strength, strength parameters from CIU tests, SPT-N values)
- Ground water level measurement
- Results on chemical ground water analysis and evaluation of level of aggressiveness to structures
Conclusions and Recommendation
- Geotechnical soil conditions of the project site
- Recommendation for building foundation methods, soil improvement methods … (acc. to the project scope)
- Summary of laboratory testing results on index and engineering properties
- Bore logs and standard penetration test results
- Vane shear test results
- Results of laboratory testing
- Work progress reports and photo documentation
- Daily site record
- Drawings
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The 2022 World Cup final will go down as one of the most exciting, dramatic and memorable matches in the history of the game.
It was the scene of Lionel Messi’s greatest moment on a soccer pitch, in which he cemented his legacy as the best player of his generation after finally guiding Argentina to World Cup glory.
It was, for many, the perfect, fairytale ending to a tournament which thrilled well over a billion fans around the world. So good, perhaps, that many forgot it bookended the most controversial World Cup in history.
Rewind to the start of the tournament and the talk was all about matters off the field: from workers’ rights to the treatment of the LGBTQ+ community.
Just hours before the opening match, FIFA President Gianni Infantino launched into a near hour-long tirade to hundreds of journalists at a press conference in Doha, where he accused Western critics of hypocrisy and racism.
“Reform and change takes time. It took hundreds of years in our countries in Europe. It takes time everywhere, the only way to get results is by engaging […] not by shouting,” said Infantino.
At one point, the FIFA president challenged the room of journalists, stressing FIFA will protect the legacy for migrant workers that it set out with the Qatar authorities.
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So, a year on from the World Cup final, what is the legacy of the 2022 World Cup?
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Ferrari F50 among dozens of cars seen in videos that appear to show Assad’s collection
From CNN’s Avery Schmitz, Yong Xiong and Ruba Alhenawi
Video footage appears to show deposed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s car collection, housed in a garage near his main palace in Damascus.
One video, filmed by an individual driving among the collection and verified by CNN, shows more than 40 luxury vehicles in a large warehouse in western Damascus, north of the Al-Mazzeh neighborhood.
Some of the cars seen in the footage include a red Ferrari F50 – which routinely sells for over $3 million – a Lamborghini, a Rolls Royce and a Bentley. At least one of the vehicles bears a Damascus license plate.
Another video filmed by people walking through the garage shows the same car collection.
In the face of an astonishingly swift rebel offensive, Assad and his family fled to Moscow and were granted political asylum, an official source in Russia told CNN earlier.
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Казахстан славится богатой культурой и активным развитием спорта. Мероприятия, связанные с национальными традициями, кинофестивали, театральные постановки находят широкую аудиторию. [url=]Спортивные новости[/url] также занимают важное место. Казахстанские спортсмены завоевывают престижные награды на международных аренах, что вызывает гордость у граждан.
Местные события
Региональные новости предоставляют возможность жителям каждого уголка Казахстана оставаться в курсе событий, происходящих в их области. Информация о строительстве дорог, открытии новых предприятий и социально значимых проектах формирует чувство сопричастности к развитию страны.